Every year a lot of new people attend DEF CON to explore new topics and some even move to new fields based on their newly discovered interests. The workshops organised by the DEF CON villages always played an important role. This year the DEF CON has gone virtual and it is apt for the workshops to do so too. Our workshop is focused on the beginner people who want to explore/learn WiFi security and understand how the WiFi network attacks work. To adapt to this new normal, we will change the approach a little, we will explain the basics and theory (in brief) using slides and then give the users access to our cloud labs. The labs consist of an emulated WiFi environment and the users have everything they need to get cracking along with step by step instructions. We are planning to cover the following: - Basics of WiFi (What is WiFi, important standard, bands, channels, SSID, BSSID) - Introduction to WiFi Recon (Locating nearby APs and clients) -WEP (What is WEP, How it works, Why WEP is broken, How to hack WEP) -WPA2-PSK (What is WPA2-PSK, How 4-way handshake works, How to crack WPA2-PSK) -WPA2-ENT (What is WPA2-ENT, How MSCHAPv2 auth works, How to crack WPA2-ENT MSCHAPv2) |