The web is finally becoming a true dynamic application platform, with web applications moving closer and closer to the client-server model that we have been used to with native applications. But as more and more of the business logic is moved from the server to the client in order to achieve highly scalable, lightning fast applications in the browser, the requirements that we put on the libraries and languages we program in incraese dramatically. This is where Ember.js comes riding in accross the sunset with its well throught out tools and its clearly defined structure. At last it is not only possible but required to write strucutred client side JavaScript code that is easy to maintain and easy to understand. This talk is based on the book-in-progress Ember.js in Action, which I am the author of. It will go through how Ember.js solves the MVC pattern, as well as how it enriches both the controller and the model layers with powerful built-in tools that allow you to concentrate on your own business logic while beng confident that the framework handles most of the boilerplate in a smart and efficient manner. This talk will touch on the following topics. Introduction to Ember.js and where it fits in the development stack Core concepts: Bindings, Computed Properies, Auto-updating templates The predicament of the server-side MC model, contrasted with the Ember.js client-side MVC model Ember Router - A complete and awesome Statechart implementation built right in to help you keep your code structured an loosely coupled! After this talk you should be able to sit down and write code that you feel is worth keeping, while leaving you with an insight into what Ember.js has to offer you as a front end developer. |