Lightning Talk proposal: Open Journal Systems is used by over 10,000 journals world-wide. Library, archives and other information professionals are central to the publication and dissemination of scholarship. Digital journals are increasingly used and valuable to collections while student journals have proliferated in recent years. Early hands-on experience may also help new information professionals develop a deeper appreciation of the value of open platforms. Library, archives and information students who gain early experience with open access journals have an opportunity to develop confidence and skills to contribute, create, use and may be more likely to include open access journals in collections they develop. In 2014, UBC students created See Also: The UBC iSchool Student Journal as a way to showcase student scholarship and to get early career experience with all aspects of scholarly publishing. Starting a new journal is exciting, but what does it take to build in longevity or sustainability? This talk presents a case study focusing on year three of a student-run open access journal. |