Although it may seem an implicit truth that open access journals exchange their content easily with open repositories (institutional or disciplinary), in practice, those who manage open repositories often have difficulty locating, identifying and interpreting the sharing policies of open access journals. This results in blockers and inefficiencies in bringing OA content into open repositories - which are environments can significantly increase the visibility of openly accessible research. Recent research by Schlosser (Schlosser, M., (2016). Write up! A Study of Copyright Information on Library-Published Journals. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 4, p.eP2110) revealed that 76% of journals in an analyzed sample in a mostly-OA set of journals did not have clear copyright articulation or sharing policies. This session will make recommendations to journal editors about articulating open archiving policies on journal websites. Furthermore, this session will also suggest strategies for institutional repository managers and open journal systems/library publishing managers at academic libraries to collaborate to inform journal editorial boards about the existence of open repositories, and help promote best practices for sharing content with these sites of open research discovery. |