One key feature It is worth looking at from Latin America is that most of the publishing is scholarly-led, scholarly-owned and scholarly financed. Each institution is part of a non-explicit cooperative that finances journals with its own faculty members, and that content is made available through open access. This approach implies that everybody gets benefit from everybody else’s investment. This cooperative ecosystem involves cooperation, networking, crowdsourcing, open source software, in-house software, free software and international collaboration as key factors. It is a nonprofit, mainly public–funded scientific communication system, whose basement is composed by journals, above them –covering some other services- we find institutional portals and repositories, and on the top layer we have regional initiatives like Redalyc, LaReferencia, Scielo, Latindex or Clacso. Particularly, Redalyc is contributing to scientific journals directly and more broadly to Open Access in the region, by offering a layered insfrastructure where in each layer a journal can find different services and products that complement its own capabilities. Redalyc developed a XML markup system, -called Marcalyc- based on the Journal Article Tag Suite, which allows journal editors to get its articles in XML file format. Free access to this tool is provided for Open Access non-APC scholarly journals indexed by Redalyc. A tool, free to use, designed to prevent editors from outsourcing XML markup, it doesn’t require technical expertise, minimizes XML markup time, generates a media enriched article reader, PDF, ePUB and HTML formats, allow content reuse as well as digital preservation. Redalyc provides not only journals webpages but also pages for countries, authors, institutions and areas of knowledge with their journals collection, search engines, advanced filters, different data visualizations and a set of alternative metrics. |