The design and development of interconnected industrial production facilities, which integrate aspects of theInternet of Things (IoT) or, more specifically, the industrial IoT (IIoT) often deals with complex scenarios involving dynamic System of Systems (SoS), resulting in large development and deployment efforts. The Arrowhead community aims at delivering mechanisms and technologies to cope with such complex scenarios. In particular, the concepts of local clouds providing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework for IIoT. Here,a central challenge is the conceptual modeling of such use-cases. SysML is widely established as a standardized modeling language and framework for large-scale systems engineering and, thus, for Arrowhead local cloud designs. However, SysMLand its Arrowhead profile lacks a canonical way to support actual platform modeling and device involvement in heavily distributed IIoT scenarios. The Eclipse Vorto project is ideal for filling this gap: it provides a modeling language for IoT devices and comes with a set of modeling tools and already existing reusable templates of device models. In this paper, we propose an approach to integrating Eclipse Vorto models into ArrowheadSysML models. We illustrate the concept with a realistic, yet comprehensible industrial scenario and also present a prototype to emphasize the benefits of our novel integration platform. |