Business moves fast, very fast. Its driven by making decision based on facts, but how do you deal with facts that are hours or days old? Periodic data warehouse loads and ETL process no longer scale to meet the increasing business needs in the web economy. Todays modern organizations are combining high performance operational data stores like MongoDB with traditional business intelligence RDBMS solutions to create a hybrid than solves the business need to have fast accurate data for decision making with the ability to interpret and analyze data every which way. This talk will try to answer the questions • What are the business benefits using this approach • What problem can now be solved using this approach • How can this solution scale with the needs to the business • Customer use cases Outline: This session starts of by describing why we now have many different approaches to storing data and how to identify use cases for noSQL, RDBMS and warehousing. From this introduction we continue by demonstrating a use case and a live application that uses a hybrid of MongoDB and mySQL. We then move on to explaining the challenges of horizontal scalability and an technical deep dive into scaling an hybrid application. This talk has a mix of presentations and live application development. Audience : Hands on developers that have a interest how to use the MongoDB API and how the challenges of scaling data horizontally. Highlight: How does your application architecture need to change to deal with the data volumes and the processing to turn data into information? In this talk we will provide an introduction to MongoDB, how its horizontal scalability allows it to solve the most complex social data problems and how it interoperates with traditional RDBMS and Hadoop. |