Discrete event simulation is a very powerful technique in many fields, like transport, warehousing, hospitals, manufacturing and logistics. There are several commercial packages that provide high end GUIs to design a system and to animate the operations. These packages are neary always close source and are very expensive (think USD 10-20 K per user). Often implementing complex algorithms is cumbersome. On the other end of the spectrum are open source packages that use existing program languages. Python is particularly interesting because of the vast number of (scientific) packages, like machine learning, statistics and databases. In te Python landscape there is SimPy, that is rather limited in functionality. In this poster I will present my discrete even simulation package called salabim. Salabim uses coroutines via generators and makes it very easy to model complex systems. The package offers advanced real time (2D) animation, monitoring and statistical sampling. I will show some applications and how a simple model is built up. Ruud van der Ham, core developer salabim |