GAIA 5.0. presents the Earth as a complex living system in a poetic form narrated by no-wave icon Lydia Lunch. GAIA refers to ancient mythology as well as to Lovelock & Margulis' Gaia theory while the suffix 5.0 is referring to the 5-dimensional geometry framework presented as 3D animated film. The holographic representation is embedding the Earth into a 5-dimensional dodecahedral space conforming to the hyper-Euclidean visualisation of the Poincaré homology sphere by 36°, or π/5 radians counter-rotations of the upper and the lower compounds of 5D unit cells, named epitahedra (E±). This 4-dimensional dynamic dodecahedron proposed as model for the Universe by Henri Poincaré was recently identified as Plato's riddle about the fifth element a.k.a. quintessence. Here we use the 4-dimensional dodecahedron (epita-dodecahedron) as model for the Earth’ complex dynamic system usually applied to symmetry operation in particle physics and cosmology for mathematical descriptions in terms of Group theory. As artistic approximation to the biological phenomenon of Gaia. Hence it suggests to regard not the Earth as BIG DATA generator but its underlying space which generates all kinds of chiral fluxes, turbulences, tectonic and atmospheric dynamics, meteorological and climate phenomena. The film displays the circulations of the atmosphere -- CO2 global transport of the year 2006 -- and the visualization of a coupled atmosphere-ocean model from ECMWF reanalysis data of the very severe cyclonic storms (Luban and Titli) over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal in October 2016. Finally a zoom into atmospheric micro-processes sketches the formation of aerosol on its minutest level of the same discrete higher-dimensional spacial framework. |