- Talk 1: What Software can learn from Reality TV, David Simons: A very light-hearted talk with a serious message at the middle: reality TV is watched by billions of people worldwide, so it must be doing something right. And Software has a duty to do that right thing too. The main body of this talk will focused on UX patterns and anti-patterns, such as how we can tap into human behaviour using iconography or colours, and examines case studies of them being successfully employed to evoke user response in the big examples of reality television. - Talk 2: The Value in Value Objects, Mathew McLoughlin: So it turns out you don’t have to limit yourself to using strings, ints and doubles. It turns out you are allowed to create your own types and there is a lot of value in doing so. Value objects help you encapsulate logic, enforce immutability and generally help tidy up your domain. In this talk I’ll show you how to create a value object, when to use them and why they are so powerful. - Talk 3: Designing an Orbital Laser Battery, Harry Cummings: REST, Hypermedia, HATEOAS, are terms that we come across often, but there is often confusion about how to apply them in real life. Taking a somewhat larger-than-life example, we'll work through designing an API, to demonstrate what sets REST apart from other architectural styles and really understand what it means beyond just stateless services or well-designed URI schemes. - Talk 4: Getting Started With Open Source, Christos Matskas: Are you a developer that wants to give back to the open source community? Perhaps you want to built some experience by working on open source? Or you want to join the open source movement because, well, OSS is the future? Just look at all the cool tech built with OSS: Node.js, BootStrap, ASP.NET etc. Join Christos Matskas to learn about the many ways to contribute, key development tools, communication in OSS projects and what it takes to become a successful first time contributor and collaborator in this welcoming and open community. Each presentation is 10 minutes. |