There is growing community of hackers who refer to themselves as "Chameleon Hackers" and practice an organizational socialization technique they call "code switching." Code switching is a "tradecraft" practice used by chameleon hackers to consciously change their mannerisms, outward appearance, dress, thinking, physical characteristics, and their language in order to achieve socialization in either a virtual or live setting. The briefer will draw on his December 2018 doctoral dissertation to describe a framework for how these chameleons hackers go about their code switching tradecraft and then discuss examples of how they "hacked" the hacker community and the Corporate C-suite D9 is a member of the Senior Executive Service and currently serving as the Deputy Director for Expeditionary Warfare for the U.S. Navy. Twenty-six years as an U.S. Air Force officer serving as a B-52H navigator and then F-15A and A-37B pilot. Held Command, Director, and staff positions across the Air Force in training operations, policy, and advanced training technologies. Three operational deployments with the last in Pakistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for eleven years as the DoD Senior Executive responsible for the programming and execution of the nearly $900M/year the Department of Defense invests in worldwide joint training and training technologies. Cyber experience includes: Co-Lead with the DoD CIO to develop the strategy and implement the Secretary of Defense's DoD Cyber Strategy to "Build and Maintain Ready Forces to Conduct Cyberspace Operations." Built from scratch a six-month Cyber Operations training course that yielded a 78% cohort pass rate (average is 16%) on the Offensive Security Certified Professional certification. Worked with DEF CON officials to repurpose DEF CON's CTF and CTP technical architecture to support DoD's cyber operations training. 2018 Doctorates in Education from The University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education. Dissertation advanced organizational socialization theory by improving our understanding of the plasticity of human socialization. Study population consisted of "chameleon" hackers who practiced a socialization tradecraft technique they called "Code Switching." |