The internationalization (i18n) of a knowledge-based platform is a transdisciplinary team project requiring skills in computer science, language translation, project management and ontology modeling. Experience leads us to conclude that the i18n process of VIVO is divided into 5 generic steps: 1) compile/deploy and run VIVO; 2) test and research problems related to i18n; 3) Locate in the source code the problematic files related to the detected problems; 4) Apply patches to the concerned files; 5) Refurbish VIVO indexes and data tables and return to 1. The activity requires high-performance tools adapted to the i18n cycle with a level of user-friendliness that supports a rapid learning curve for each team member. In the context of the internationalization of VIVO for French Canada (fr_CA), the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) has developed an ecosystem of integrated tools that are useful for the realization of the use cases that have been identified for the execution of the i18n cycle that is: ontology engineering, ontology editing, file editing (ftl, Java, properties), Java programming for the development of J2EE webApp, version control with Git, text search in VIVO source files, automation of the compiling process, configuration and installation of a local VIVO server and its dependencies (Tomcat, Solr, TDB, etc.). In this talk we will present the three main components of our Ecosystem: a) UQAM-DEV ("Environnement de Developpement de VIVO") which is based on the Eclipse integration with the ontological engineering tool TopBraid Composer Free Edition and customized by the aggregation of appropriate plug-ins; b) UQAM-VIVO-installer, an installer inspired from the original VIVO installer that is customized in UQAM-DEV for the installation of a VIVO i18n version; c) vivo-regression-test, a product integrated with vivo-community, which is a Selenium test bench used to validate the integrity of additions to VIVO i18n against VIVO which is currently in release. Although UQAM-DEV was developed as part of the i18n project, we believe that this tool will be appropriate for the future VIVO developments that we wish to achieve. The presentation will be completed by a few demonstrations ... "in-VIVO!". |