A member of the Mellon-funded Linked Data for Production (LD4P) initiative, LD4P at Princeton is participating in defining linked data ontologies specifically for the description of special collections materials. It uses a hand-selected set of 525 items from the Library of Jacques Derrida – all of which bear inscriptions by persons who gifted the books to Derrida or his household – to investigate tools, workflows, and data models that will make the creation of linked descriptive data for annotated material viable in a production environment. To this end, LD4P at Princeton is exploring modeling these inscriptions on an adaptation of the (W3C Web Annotation Data Model) and linking them to bibliographic data converted to (BIBFRAME 2.0) or related models. Since the VitroLib ontology editor, which was developed at Cornell University as part of the LD4L-Labs initiative, is designed to use (bibliotek-o; a supplement to BIBFRAME developed by LD4L Labs and the LD4P Ontology Group), LD4P at Princeton anticipates using bibliotek-o at least part of the time. The presentation will give an overview of the workflows and tools the group has developed, demonstrate the current data model, and discuss our current thinking on implementation issues such as front- and back-end interfaces, API's and the curation of external data sources, and lessons learned along the way. |