Cultural heritage institutions are looking at crowdsourcing as a new way and opportunity to improve the overall quality of their data and contribute to a better semantic description and link to the web of data. This is also the case for Europeana, as crowdsourcing under the form of annotations is envisioned and being worked on in several projects. As part of the Europeana Sounds project, we have identified the user stories and requirements that cover the following annotation scenarios: open and controlled tagging; enrichment of metadata; annotation of media resources; linking to other objects; moderation and general discussion. The first success on bringing annotations to Europeana is the integration of annotations to Europeana objects made on the platform covering both the tagging and object linking scenarios. The next step, will be to help data providers to support annotation at their side, for which we are working with the Pundit annotation tool. As a central point on all the efforts around annotations is an agreement on how these should be modelled in a uniform way for all these scenarios, as it is essential to bring such information to Europeana and in a way that can also be easily exploited and shared beyond our portal. For this, we are using the recent Web Annotation Data Model supported by the Open Annotation community as it is the most promising model at the moment. Due to its flexible design, we have made recommendations on how it should be applied for these scenarios and we are looking for discussion/feedback from the community in the hope that it will help cultural heritage institutions to better understand how annotations can be modelled. |