In this talk I would give some motivating examples behind the idea of monads in Python, and show some implementation examples. I'd also show how we can leverage AST transformations to make the Python syntax more amenable to the use of monads. I have already given a talk on this topic during Pycon France 2018 in Lille. Unfortunately, the video footage has been lost, but the original slides can be found here: If this talk was selected, I'd probably update it a bit to account for the feedback I received, and new ideas I may have. In this talk I would give some motivating examples behind the idea of monads in Python, and show some implementation examples. I'd also show how we can leverage AST transformations to make the Python syntax more amenable to the use of monads. I have already given a talk on this topic during Pycon France 2018 in Lille. Unfortunately, the video footage has been lost, but the original slides can be found here: If this talk was selected, I'd probably update it a bit to account for the feedback I received, and new ideas I may have. |