Originally, I wanted to do a talk which actually demonstrates the automated setup of a RHEL 4 or 5, Debian 4 or 5 or NetBSD 4 or 5 system live, and using the resulting system to deploy new systems. However, I think 15 minutes would be a little tight for that. I want to talk about: 1: 5 minutes introduction: why openpcf 2: 5 minutes internals: how it works 3: 5 minutes results: what you can do with it OpenPCF (which stands for Open Provisioning and Control Framework) is an open-source, automated system configuration tool. It can generate configurations for any service that runs on a posix-like platform. Services like DHCP, DNS, HTTP, LDAP and many more are supported. OpenPCF aims to automate the often-times manual labour of configuring services on a computer system you've just setup. The ultimate goal is a system that sets up all services needed within a datacenter resulting in a computer system that can deploy (through tftp, dhcp, pxe, http, nfs, cifs) various operating systems. |