We all know the internet can be a scary place. In this talk I’ll focus on two ways I’ve found it positively terrifying. First, digging into tracking technologies, I have learned about the breadth and depth of ways our online activity is monitored, stored, and repackaged. Second, when starting out to learn a new skill, the tidal wave of information available online can be overwhelming. Using the PyData stack to explore and visualize different data sources, including a new dataset from Mozilla, we’ll examine some of the many types of online tracking. My goal is to leave the audience with: 1) A sense of the breadth of tools in the PyData toolbox that can be applied to a real-world analysis 2) An understanding of a few methods of online tracking so they can be more informed internet citizens In particular, now that the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into force, we can explore the data in light of EU citizens’ new rights, and the new responsibilities of companies worldwide. Along the way, I’ll also talk about becoming a software engineer, then a builder of data science tools, and my new journey into data science. Being self-taught can be, lonely, scary, and full of embarrassing pitfalls. I’ll share some stories about my learning journey, and the people and resources that have supported me. |