The way how users can extend Libreoffice underperform the known usability from the office suite by a special kind of storage and a cumbersome way to load it. The talk will present one possible solution, open collaboration service, and show the improvements on both sides, the contributors who upload as well ideas on how users may easier customize and enhance the program. Our extensions are hosted on a Plone-based content management site. The procedure to upload an extension is cumbersome as neither a wizard nor clear steps are provided. And also because the administration is hard work and a one-person show. Furthermore, the site lacks on good search and filter capabilities for the users and has no categories beyond Extensions and Templates. The talk will present two aspects: The first is how the open collaboration service works on and the second part gives an idea how a tight integration into LibreOffice similar to GetHotNewStuff known from KDE might substantially improve the usability with also benefits for the development. |