In this talk, we explain how open source platforms will enable data users to truly utilize geospatial data in Europe. Open platforms based on standards, as INSPIRE, will enable new business models, applications and markets. However, there are still challenges in building them effectively. A key component of effective INSPIRE implementation is hale studio, wetransform's open source tool for geodata harmonization. With its declarative and interactive workflow, it provides users with the ability to easily transform complex data. It has been designed from the ground-up to support specifications such as OGC GML, ALKIS, INSPIRE, and others. It has been applied to thousands of harmonisation projects. In the talk, we will highlight recent INSPIRE data harmonisation projects, such as: 1) Reference transformation project creation for 3A to INSPIRE Data 2) INSPIRE compliant data generation (Human Health and Safety, Hydrography, Transport Networks and Elevation) from WFS It will specify the general and case-specific challenges faced and how they were overcome. We will then delve into the future of hale studio, and which features will be included later based on our observations from the harmonization projects we have undertaken. |