Due to the growing population in urban areas, the building structures become more huge and complicated. The demands for geospatial information and services in indoor space are increasing as well as outdoor spaces. An OGC standard, called IndoorGML, was published to provide a standard indoor spatial model and exchange data format. And inous R&D initiative has been established to set up an eco-system for IndoorGML based on open source software. In this talk, we will present an overview of this initiative and details of the achievements so far. First, it will covers several approached for 3D indoor map construction in IndoorGML from point cloud, blueprint maps, as well as crowdsource. Second, the conversion issues from CAD and BIM data to IndoorGML will be also discussed in the talk. Third, we will present several interesting application services of the initiative such as sharing IndoorGML data via 3D geo-portal and voice map service for blind people. |