State of GeoServer provides an update on our community and reviews the new and noteworthy features for 2019. GeoServer is a web service for publishing your geospatial data. using industry standards for vector, raster and mapping. We have an active community and a lot to cover for 2.14 and 2.15 release, as well what is cooking in September’s 2.16 release. Each release provides exciting new features, this talk covers diverse improvements across GeoServer: * Support for Java 11 deployments * And update on the ongoing work on WFS 3.0 and next generation of WMTS * Extensions to WPS for better controlling status and progress of processes * JAI-EXT enabled by default, and what that means for your raster map publishing * Map algebra support * Data store functionality improvements, including news for MongoDB and PostGIS * Styling subsystem improvements * And much more… Attend this talk for a cheerful update on what is happening with this popular OSGeo project. Whether you are an expert user, a developer, or simply curious what GeoServer can do for you. |