We focus on the problem of answering OLAP queries via voice output. We present a holistic approach that combines query processing and result vocalization. We use the following key ideas to minimize processing overheads and maximize answer quality. First, our approach samples from the database to evaluate alternative speech fragments. OLAP queries are not fully evaluated. Instead, sampling focuses on result aspects that are relevant for voice output. To guide sampling, we rely on methods from the area of Monte-Carlo Tree Search. Second, we use pipelining to interleave query processing and voice output. The system starts providing the user with high-level insights while generating more fine-grained results in the background. Third, we optimize speech output to maximize the user's information gain under speaking time constraints. We use a maximum-entropy model to predict the user's belief about OLAP results, after listening to voice output. Based on that model, we select the most informative speech fragments (i.e., the ones minimizing the distance between user belief and actual data). We analyze formal properties of the proposed speech structure and analyze complexity of our algorithm. Also, we compare alternative vocalization approaches in an extensive user study. |