Rocket.Chat is an open-source web chat server. With the next release of Rocket.Chat, ownCloud and Rocket.Chat will be able to work together by using WebDAV. This speech is a short introduction to these features. At the beginning of the project, we aimed to integrate ownCloud project to Rocket.Chat. For this purpose, based on current GitHub issues and community expectations, we determined three main features: - Enable Rocket.Chat server administrator to use an ownCloud instance for storage of upload - Allow a user to browse ownCloud files in Rocket.Chat and add files directly from there to Rocket conversation - Allow a user to upload an attachment from Rocket conversation to an ownCloud instance account. To communicate with ownCloud instance, we used a generic WebDAV client. This decision expanded our aim and made the integration compatible with all WebDAV servers (ownCloud and so on). To add ownCloud as a new storage provider for Rocket.Chat, a new UploadFS( store was created. For the integration, a GUI file picker interface was created within Rocket.Chat to allow any user to select files from their ownCloud servers. In this talk, I will shortly explain my summer of code experience with ownCloud and RocketChat projects. |