Pieter Hintjens was a writer, programmer and thinker who has spent decadesbuilding large software systems and on-line communities, which he describes as"Living Systems". He was an expert in distributed computing, having writtenover 30 protocols and distributed software systems. He designed AMQP in 2004,and founded the ZeroMQ free software project in 2007. He was the author of theO'Reilly ZeroMQ book, "Culture and Empire", "The Psychopath Code", "SocialArchitecture", and "Confessions of a Necromancer". He was the president of theFoundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), and fought thesoftware patent directive and the standardisation of the Microsoft OOXMLOffice format. He also organized the Internet of Things (IOT) Devroom here atFOSDEM for the last 3 years. In April 2016 he was diagnosed with terminalmetastasis of a previous cancer. Pieter Hintjens's website: http://hintjens.com ZeroMQ: http://zeromq.org iMatix: http://imatix.com |