The Internet of things (IoT) is expected to connect billions of devices. Thedemand for an open IoT platform is increasing to enable and accelerate thedevelopment of cross-domain/cross-vendor use cases and face the accompanyingchallenges like connectivity with a wide range of heterogeneous protocols andlarge scale messaging. Eclipse IoT on top of Cloud Foundry is a promisingsoftware stack for this goal. However, it will only be successful if it iswidely adopted. I will show you where we are today and we can find outtogether where to go tomorrow. It is expected that in the next years billions of devices will be connected tothe internet of things (IoT). Many of them will interact with cloud-basedsolutions to provide additional services on the devices or in the web. Tobring IoT to the next level technologies for supporting cross-domain/cross-vendor solutions are needed. There is already a lot FOSS available to providea technological base for building IoT solutions (e.g. Cloud Foundry). However,on top of it, software is needed for the connectivity challenges, support ofdomain-specific protocols, large scale messaging and device management andintegration with existing infrastructure. Eclipse IoT aims to address theseneeds and provide an IoT framework that makes IoT development fast and simple.However, such an IoT platform can only be successfull if it is widely adopted.No-one can do I(o)T alone. I will show you where we are today and we can findout where to go tomorrow. Come and join us! |