[guifi·net] is a technological, social and economicproject built by citizens, which centers its activity in the field oftelecommunications. Its purpose is to enable broadband Internet access foreverybody, with high quality and for a fair price, by means of developing atelecommunications network based in a model of commons, open, neutral and withunencumbered access. The network counts with [more than 32,000nodes] and gives access to anestimated 50,000 people, mostly in Catalonia and the Valencian Country. guifi counts on a diverse community of individuals, organizations,companies and public administrations agreeing upon a [commonlicense], with the support of a [privatefoundation] that watches over its development andintegrity. guifi.net enables a collaborative economy where volunteers andbusinesses contribute to the development of the common network thanks togovernance tools like the compensations system. |