Most SDR hardware nowadays includes an FPGA of sorts, but how to make use ofthem in an SDR application is often unclear for newcomers to the SDRecosystem. Even more daunting can be to take first steps into FPGA-land andstart writing code for your reprogrammable chips. We will talk about how anFPGA is actually useful for SDRs on an very basic level, and provide a verybasic introduction into how to use the RFNoC framework to start using (andmaybe learning) FPGAs. The following topics will be covered: \- How are FPGAs already available inmodern SDR hardware? \- Which tasks are FPGAs well suited to tackle? \- Whendo we move tasks to an FPGA, and when do we not? \- How can we enter the realmof FPGA development using the RFNoC framework? |