One of the major challenges for certification in the SIL2LinuxMP project, isto show that Linux does not only define a development process, but alsofollows it. To this end (and far beyond!) the meta-data of commits to theLinux kernel are analyzed. The talk covers everything from gathering the data, to distributing it toevery one in the project while keeping it the data up-to-date and of courseour first analysis results. Each of these phases contain their own set ofproblems that needed to be considered, leading to a framework called DLCDM(Development Life-Cylce Data-Mining) that is introduced for the first timeduring this talk. One of the major challenges for certification in the SIL2LinuxMP project, isto show that Linux does not only define a development process, but alsofollows it. To this end (and far beyond!) the meta-data of commits to theLinux kernel are analyzed. There are several intended outputs we hope to getout of this analysis, some examples are: - Competence of persons involved (IEC 61508-1, 6.2.13/6.2.14) - Dependencies amongst developers (Independence of persons doing code reviews) - Identify patches that did not get enough review (based on patch complexity, experience of author, reviews, etc.) - Automatic notification of patches in our configuration - Bug analysis (based on Fixes: tag) - Subsystem dependencies and conflicts The talk covers everything from gathering the data, to distributing it toevery one in the project while keeping it the data up-to-date and of courseour first analysis results. Each of these phases contain their own set ofproblems that needed to be considered, leading to a framework called DLCDM(Development Life-Cylce Data-Mining) that is introduced for the first timeduring this talk. |