Many developers do not consider web standards while create theirwebpages/apps. This will create a bad experience for some users that not usethat product with a certain OS or application. This talk will cover bestpractices and give examples of how some users could not do some simple bookingbecause of the bad experience given by the website for their app. This willcover web in general, not only Firefox. Many developers do not consider web standards while create theirwebpages/apps. This will create a bad experience for some users that not usethat product with a certain OS or application. And nowdays there are way tomany configuration available to be sure you use the right one. And a limitedmemory will narrow your option to have several apps installed only for certainwebpages. Some simple example for a bike sharing system, a Michelin ratedrestaurant from Stockholm or a museum in Krakow - that worked poorly onseveral browsers will show the importance of compatibility. Best practices fordevelopers will be presented. Best practices for report issues will beexemplified. Already fixed issue will present simple solutions to the audiencethat unblocked several users. |