History of modeled ice surface speed, elevation change and solid Earth rebound rate. Top-left panel shows the vertically averaged ice speed (logarithmic colour scale). Lower-left panel shows the bedrock rebound rate. Notice the rapid rebound following deglaciation in the Weddell and Ross Sea sectors. Upper-right panel shows modelled surface elevation relative to present day observations on grounded ice and basal melt rates beneath ice shelves. Lower-right panel shows time series of the sea-level forcing (left vertical axis), the temperature forcing (right vertical axis) and the relative sea-level contribution of the ice sheet's above-flotation volume expressed in sea-level equivalent. This movie was designed to complement the submission of "Glacial cycles simulation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with PISM - Part 1: Boundary conditions and climatic forcing" to the Cryosphere with details of applied forcings and parameterisations. |