The video shows the evolution of a Sculptor dSph like object in the tidal field of the Milky Way. The satellite is represented with a double component model: dark matter (DM) halo (black points and lines) and stars (red points and lines). Further information can be found in the paper 'The effect of tides on the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy' by Iorio et al., 2019. Legend (from upper left to bottom right): Panel 1-3: distribution of particles (black DM, red stars) in the Galactocentric frame of reference (Sun is at x=8, y=0, z=0); Panel 4: galactocentric radius of the satellite as a function of the time, the thin grey curve shows the expectation from a single-point orbit integration; Panel 5: distribution of stellar particles in Galactic sky coordinates (gnomic projection) as observed from the Sun, the black lines indicate isodensity contours; Panel 6: 3D density profile (black DM, red stars), the thin line shows the density profile at the beginning of the simulation; Panel 7: velocity dispersion profile for the stellar component, line-of-sight component (red), spherical coordinates (blue); Panel 8: fraction of the initial mass retained within 2 kpc from the centre of the satellite for the stellar (red bar) and the dark matter (black) components. |