The presentation will first take a step back and offer a basic reminder of what passive fingerprinting is and, more precisely, DHCP fingerprinting. Then we will offer defensive and offensive use cases for DHCP fingerprinting. Next, we will cover the goals and resources offered by the new project and some future plans. As part of the announcement, two large fingerprint databases will be made available (both of which were bundled in separate projects: PacketFence and Satori). We hope this new resource will increase the quality and breadth of current DHCP fingerprint databases and increase adoption for this reliable fingerprinting technique. Olivier Bilodeau is a System Architect at Inverse developing PacketFence an open source Network Access Control (NAC) software. He also lectures on system security at ...cole de technologie superieure University (ETS) in Montreal, Canada. His past experiences made him travel into dusty Unix server rooms, obfuscated perl code and expensive enterprise networks. On his free time he enjoys several CTFs a year (with the CISSP Groupies and Amish Security teams), hacking perl, doing open source development and brewing beer. |