eTests is a PHP/MySQL platform i developped during my PhD in science didactic at the University of Namur. It is used there since 3 years, and is now deployed at the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve and Wolluwe). This application offers opportunities to collaborative work on formatives as certificatives tests using multiple choices questions. It's not only a new quizz tool. It's a real university level research tool in education science, as it offers to teachers and reserchers tools to analyse answers in a global way and diagnose difficult topics and learning obstacles. As some PhD projects, I'm actualy alone to develop this platform. My goal in presenting it to FOSDEM is to find some interested developpers, at least to have technical as conceptual discussions about it, and with some chance, to find possibles teammates. The source code has been published on sourceforge under EUPL (European Union Public Licence version 1.1). |