First of all, it's math. Not meth. So everybody be cool, I'm not gonna touch your central nervous system stimulant substances. Now that this is established, I can start telling my story. And this story, like all good stories, begins where it ends. Wait, no, not really. It begins at a birthday party where the sister of a friend asked if I could help her with MATLAB. No matter how horrible memories I had about MATLAB, I just couldn't say no. So the next day, there was I, sitting in my room, installing the trial. And that's when the hacking started... Believe me, there were a lot to hack in this case! Several gigabytes of installed materials, a few web servers, cloud integration, clustering capabilities, you name it. These software are bloated, they are basically their own little operating systems. Yup, I used plural. Because I thought why discriminate MATLAB? I should really give a chance to Maple and Mathematica to fail too!. I did, and they did fail, and these failures gave the material for my talk. Basically this will be a dump of exploits (RCEs, file disclosures, etc.), and if you use any of those software and you are at least a bit security conscious, you should definitely listen to it. |