The Zarafa webaccess plugin system is aimed at allowing developers to add functionality to the Zarafa webaccess, while not requiring them to modify existing system files inside the core of the Zarafa WebAccess software. Zarafa will show how to programm a module and shows the architecture integrations with open source solutions such as Alfresco and Sugarcrm and other community contributions. The Zarafa webaccess plugin system is aimed at allowing developers to add functionality to the Zarafa WebAccess, while not requiring them to modify existing system files inside the core of the Zarafa WebAccess software. Steve will show how to program a module and shows the architecture integrations with open source solutions such as Alfresco and Sugarcrm and other community contributions. FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Development European Meeting) is a European event centered around Free and Open Source software development. It is aimed at developers and all interested in the Free and Open Source news in the world. Its goals are to enable developers to meet and to promote the awareness and use of free and open source software. |