The death rate at Europes seaborder reached a historical record: One out of five trying for Europe drowned this September: Main reason is the crackdown on sea rescue by European authorithies who barely pass any information on distress cases to competent rescue workers. The hope of those trying to escape torture, slavery hunger and other forms of violence therefore soleyly lies on the efforts of the civil rescue fleet. In the future, a civil society run maritime rescue coordination center could help to significantly reduce the death rate at sea. This talk will focus on the software and hardware components used on the aerial and nautical assets of the civil rescue fleet. We´ll talk about the difficulties installing sat com on a moving ship or even an aircraft, how the camera system of the Sea-Watch 3 recorded the evidence that is now challenging the Italian state at the European Court of human rights, how important data is secured if the state challenges you as in the case of the LIFELINE and about a software that will help to join forces in the near future to coordinate rescues in an efficient way. Help is still needed to tear down Europes wall. |