As of 2013, it is estimated that there are now billions of bluetooth devices deployed worldwide. The goal of the Bluetooth Database Project is to track and freely distribute real time sightings and statistics of these wide spread devices. The data collected from these devices can be used to answer questions pertaining to various topics, such as device geolocation, device proliferation, population analysis, device misconfigurations, and an assortment of other security related analytics. During this presentation I will go over the current community driven, distributed, real time, client/server architecture of the project. I will show off some of analytics that can be leveraged from the projects data sets. Finally, I will be releasing various open source open source bluetooth scanning clients (Linux, iOS, OSX). These clients are easily installable across various operating systems and can be used to systematically contribute data to the project. Ryan Holeman (@hackgnar) resides in Austin Texas where he works as a senior software developer for Ziften Technologies. He has a Masters of Science in Software Engineering. He has published papers though ICSM and ICPC and spoken at various security conferences including DEF CON and Black Hat. His spare time is mostly spent digging into various network protocols and shredding local skateparks. |