Anonymously driving your own vehicle is becoming unattainable with the proliferation of automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) now coming into wide-spread use. Combined with always-on electronic toll tags, smart phone traffic apps and even plain cell phones are adding to this problem. There is little public disclosure of this tracking and little legislation limiting the length of time data is retained, even if it is not involved in any investigation. History, laws, funding, detection, and their technological limitations, will be explored in this talk. pukingmonkey (@pukingmonkey) has been noodling around UNIX for a short three decades, has been attending DEF CON for a bit over a decade, during which time he has won three black badges. He is presently an IT Director in healthcare informatics, but has worked in technology research, and the financial services sector. Those that attend the DC shoot know him as the one that brings the loudest and largest bore to the event. |