It is commonly believed that Offensive Defense is just a theory that is difficult to be used effectively in practice, but that is not entirely true... During my talk along with a new service emulation technique, that will render standard port scanner results nearly useless and leave your attackers with an arduous analysis, I will focus on practical (automated) exploitation of a hackers' offensive toolbox. A few interesting attack vectors against software taken from the Internet will be presented. It turns out you can get pwn'ed even through your Nmap scripts if you are not careful enough. Piotr Duszynski (@drk1wi) is a Senior Security Consultant at Trustwave Spiderlabs. With more than 6 years of official experience in the security field, his main interest were always around breaking stuff and finding its true purpose. Currently he is mostly focused on web application security and security research. Apart from that he enjoys crazy road trips around the world, free diving and good music. |