Secure" messaging programs and protocols continue to proliferate, and crypto experts can debate their minutiae, but there is very little information available to help the rest of the world differentiate between the different programs and their features. This talk will discuss the types of attacks various secure messaging features can defend against so those who are tech-savvy but not crypto-experts can make informed decisions on which crypto applications to use. This talk is intended for people with no preexisting cryptography knowledge. There will be no math or programming knowledge required. The goal is to explain secure messaging concepts such as PKI, PFS, and key validation without diving into heavier crypto, math, or programming content. Speaker Bio: Justin Engler is a Principal Security Engineer with NCC Group. Justin has been involved in application security assessments of many open and closed source messaging applications and other related technologies. He has spoken previously at DEF CON, BlackHat, Toorcon, and other regional events. Justin has 5 years of security consulting experience and has been involved in security, software development, and IT professionally for over 10 years |