In November 2015, a group of 18 mathematics outreach specialists converged at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) in Alberta, Canada, for an international math outreach workshop. The participants included academic faculty from both local and world-renowned institutes and universities, graduate students, program directors, journalists, and filmmakers. Coming from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Throughout the workshop, participants discussed how sharing ideas could benefit the global outreach paradigm. They reached agreement on the need to develop an international networking infrastructure for outreach, and explored both the possibilities of expanding existing activities and creating new ones. The result was Mathematics Outreach International (MOI), a new international initiative to support the expansion and enrichment of outreach activities worldwide, especially those aimed at developing countries and traditionally under-represented groups. MOI will get advice from an international advisory board made up of prominent outreach leaders, launch a website containing resources and links to organizations, groups, and individuals coordinating national and international outreach activities, and contact the International Mathematical Union (IMU) to explore the possibility of becoming an IMU committee. In addition, MOI will organize workshops and conferences, and will propose them as satellite activities of international meetings of mathematical associations. MOI may also undertake other activities, such as the administration of an International Mathematics Outreach blog, a newsletter, or soliciting guidance from its advisory board on how to encourage policy |