Public presentations in large-scale stereoscopic 3D environments like CAVEs are usually accompanied by strong side-effects, such as unexpected movements or even motion sickness caused by, for example, imprecisely-tracked wands and a disturbed stereoscopic vision. On one hand, 3D navigation is required to enable an appropriate interaction with the spatial objects. On the other hand, in most cases only one person is the navigator, whereas all other persons are forming the audience. Moreover, both usually lack the overview in a complex environment. Therefore, a new approach is proposed here, enabling 1) 3D navigation on a precise navigation screen representing an overview map (also known as worlds in miniature), and 2) processing the movement information to a large-scale environment representing the real world. The interactive virtual map is stereoscopically visualized by the zSpace 200® (using CELLmicrocosmos 1.2 CellExplorer), whereas the virtual world is shown on a panoramic 330° CAVE2TM (using Omegalib). We will show that the distinction between the navigation interface and the virtual world environment is reasonable for stereoscopic 3D presentation and exploration purposes, because the stereoscopic virtual world rendering can be optimized with respect to the different tour points, extending our previously published interactive projection plane approach. © 2016, Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T). |