MapMint is an comprehensive task manager for publishing webmapping applications. It is a robust open source geospatial platform allowing the user to organize, edit, process and publish spatial data to the Internet. MapMint includes a complete administration tool for MapServer and a simple user interfaces to create mapfiles visually. Its use does not require any coding and most of the mapfile parameters are supported, so the user can fully focus on the map features and not on its source code. The latter is generated using various WPS requests which are using the user's data and settings as input.MapMint is based on the extensive use of OGC standards and automates WMS, WFS, WMT-S and WPS. Most of the MapMint core functions are run through WPS requests which are calling general or geospatial web services (vector and raster operations, mapfiles creation, spatial analysis and queries and much more). MapMint server-side is built on top of ZOO-Project, MapServer and GDAL and its numerous WPS services are written in Python and JavaScript. MapMint client-side is based on OpenLayers and Jquery and provides user-friendly to create, publish and view maps. MapMint architecture and main features will be introduced in this presentation, and its modules (dashboard, data, maps and apps) will be described with an emphasis on the OGC standards and OSGeo software they are using. Some short case studies and examples will finally illustrate some of the the key functionalities. |