So long NoSQL, here is YeSQL !Not long ago, PostgreSQL was the the most advanced OpenSource relational database. With the latest version 9.4, it became an over-powerful mutant : the most advanced OpenSource Object-Oriented relational and/or non-relational, Spatial, SQL and/or NoSQL database. For the sake of simplicity, let us call it a YeSQL database.This presentation will introduce you to the feature galore of PostgreSQL, giving insights into the latest improvements from a user point of view. Of course some GIS inclination will drive this talk, and show you how you can take advantage of spatial extensions together with PostgreSQL core features.PostgreSQL 9.4 is an important milestone for various reason : a lot of new outstanding features, and core improvements which prefigure a whole world of new use cases. The main feature from a user perspective, giving PostgreSQL this YeSQL title, is probably the new JSONB storage. A fine marriage between the Hstore extension and JSON support, it literally transforms PostgreSQL into a document database (think MongoDB in PostgreSQL without data losses).We will therefore present great PostgreSQL 9.4 features, and some ways to use them with spatial data, leveraging the latest PostGIS and PointCloud extensions :* Exclusion constraints* KNN search* Lateral joins* Window functions* (writeable) (recursive) CTE* Automatic updateable views* Materialized views* JSON, more JSON, JSON indexing, JSON proceduresÉ* Foreign Data Wrappers* Logical decoding and future applications* More JSON ? GeoJSON ?The feature set available to PostgreSQL users is growing with every release, as are performances. And the spatial part of it is not lagging behind. It is a must-use platform for data management, data infrastructures. And a GIS. |