German | German Geben, Nehmen und Teilen haben bei den Pygmäen eine wichtige bindende Funktion, spielen aber auch zur Rangdemonstration eine große Rolle. Ranghohe Individuen sind besonders Kleinkindern gegenüber behilflich; dies gibt jedoch über den Rang des Kleinkindes keine Auskunft. Nichtteilen gilt als ein grober Verstoß gegen die Gruppennorm, führt zu Frustrationen und schließlich zu aggressiven Handlungen. |
English | English The film shows interactions of giving, taking and sharing of food and drinks between persons of different age and sex. It also shows demonstrations of ranking order which can be observed at these occasions, in particular in groups of children. It can frequently be observed that high-ranking individuals help and assist the little ones and treat them preferentially. This behaviour gives, however, no information about the actual rank of small children. A low ranking girl serves in different situations as a "Whipping boy" sensu lato. On the other hand, sharing and giving (offering) can be used by low-ranking persons intentionally ignored or mal-treated during social interactions to gain friends and/or friendship. In Bayaka-Pygmies not sharing is a clear violation of the moral code of the group. It leads to frustration and last not least to aggressive actions as demonstrated in the last scene. |