German | German Europäischer Maulwurf. Lokomotion auf der Erde und unterirdisch im Abguß eines natürlich entstandenen Röhrensystems. Vorwärts- und Rückwärtslaufen, Wenden in der Röhre, Kaminklettern, Rutschen. Mit Zeitdehnung. Laboraufnahmen. |
English | English The mole travels through its system of tunnels in an artificially constructed burrow (section model). The likely construction of a mole burrow becomes obvious. The animal spends considerable time near a ventilation opening in a part of a tunnel near the surface before appearing in the opening of a mole-hill. The animal is then shown on firm substrate. All of the other shots were taken in the tunnel system of the artificial burrow: the position of the front and rear feet, the function of the tactile tail in the orientation of the moving animal, thrust, forward and reverse movement, turning, up and down chimney climbing. |