Abstract | German | German Bärtierchen. Habitus, Fortbewegung und Nahrungsaufnahme (meist durch Anstechen von pflanzlichen Zellen, bei manchen Arten aber auch räuberisch) von verschiedenen Arten. Eiablage, totale-adäquale Furchung mit frühzeitiger Phasendifferenz, Delamination, Weiterentwicklung bis zum Schlüpfen der Jungtiere. Häutung in zwei Phasen. Beginn der Trockenstarre durch Tönnchenbildung. Übergang zum aktiven Leben. | English | English The organisation of Tardigrada is shown using Batillipes mirus, Stygarctus bradypus, Echiniscus testudo, Hypsibius dujardini and Milnesium tardigradum. Most species feed on the contents of plants cells which are pierced by two protrusible stylets and sucked afterwards. Milnesium tardigradum, however, preys upon Rotatoria. Many species lay smooth-surfaced eggs and the hatching of the juveniles are shown. Moulting itself is a complicated process during which not only the cuticle of the body but also all cuticular structures of the fore gut are renewed. Tardigrada are able to resist unfavourable conditions. Milnesium tardigradum withstands desiccation in the state of anabiosis. When moistened the animals return to active life. |