A variety of applications, such as entertainment, medical, design and engineering, can significantly benefit from the development of a goggles-free 3D imaging system. Although a number of such systems (spatially multiplexed, volumetric, autostereoscopic and electro-holography) have been suggested, practically examined and modeled, their practical implementation is far from complete, mostly due to unsatisfactory imaging quality. Recent technological advances, both with hardware and data processing software, open a new perspective in the development of advanced non-goggles based 3D displays. Approaches of special interest include temporal multiplexing and point-aspects, as they offer a goggles-free solution to 3D imaging. In this paper, we discuss the initial results in the development of 3D displays with an improved image quality and increased refresh rate based on the new concepts, namely, temporally multiplexing and point-aspect. The paper presents a thorough review of the current state-of-the-art of these two techniques and a perspective in their further practical engineering and realization. |