Stephan Jaensch - Building Service interfaces with OpenAPI / Swagger Ever wondered how to keep track of all of your services and their APIs? I'm going to explore how to build your Python services with OpenAPI/Swagger and how it helps you solve problems like communication between services, request and response validation, and documentation of your API. I'll also discuss some challenges you might face when running Swagger in production, gathered from over a year of heavy usage at Yelp. ----- Implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a proven way to split up large monolithic codebases and to scale development when your organization grows to hundreds or thousands of engineers. I'm going to explore how to build and document your services with OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger). I’ll discuss the benefits, how to generate a beautiful HTML documentation for your API, and how you can effortlessly make calls to your services. In the second part of the talk I'll discuss and tell you how to overcome challenges you might face when running OpenAPI in production, gathered from over a year of heavy usage at Yelp for hundreds of services. The OpenAPI initiative is a cross-vendor consortium focused on creating, evolving and promoting a vendor neutral description format. As an open governance structure under the Linux Foundation, its members include Google, IBM, Atlassian and PayPal. |