Mike Müller - Conda - Easier Installs and Simpler Builds Learn about `conda`, the package installer from the scientific community. It offers very interesting features that can improve your installation experience considerably. The talk gives an overview of the basic usage of `conda`. It covers the topics installation and building of packages. `conda` can be combined with `pip` to use all PyPi packages. Its cross-platform and multi-languages features combined with power environments can help to improve your productivity. ----- The BSD license `conda` is a package installer for Python and other languages. While it originates form the scientific Python community, it can be really useful for all Python programmers. Installation of Python packages has become much simpler over the last years. The use of `pip` and `virtualenv` simplify the installation of Python packages a lot. However, they are specific to Python. The Python-agnostic `conda` has advantages for packages with C or Fortran extension that are very common for scientific libraries. `conda` is cross-platform. According to different statistics, the most Python users work on Windows. Often is especially complicate to get extensions with many dependencies installer on this platform. `conda` facilities the installation for Windows considerably. This talk introduces the basic usage of `conda` to install packages. This includes the basic commands for searching and installing of packages. Furthermore, the talk demonstrates the creation of environments for different Python versions and combinations of packages. The building of a packages is simple. The talk shows how to build recipes that contain declarations of dependencies . `conda` can work together with `pip`. This allows to use all packages from the Python Package Index ( PyPI). The talk explains the concept of channels that allow to get packages from different sources. |